The unDefined Blog

Inspiration and stories from the mountains, cultures, peoples, and perspectives of our world.

Morromico Bay, Chocó, Colombia | July, 2018

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Ganges - Source to Sea

The Ganges River in India is the most revered and reviled in the world, worshipped by a billion Hindus and reviled by millions because if its horrific pollution. Follow the river 1,600 miles, source-to-sea, in this photo essay.


The reasons to be grateful are many, and they’re all around us, every day. The sun rising. Our lungs filling and hearts beating. A loved one beside us, or their memory to guide us. The sun setting, its ebbing light holding the promise of tomorrow. Sitting around the dinner table, holding hands, and saying what we’re grateful for.

A Toilet for All

Did you know that globally, some 4.2 billion (yes, BILLION) people lack access to a toilet?
Let's help change that.


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Pandemic Optimism from Nature

“Let us… seek peace… near the inland murmur of streams, and the gracious waving of trees, the beauteous vesture of earth, and sublime pageantry of the skies. Let us leave ‘life,’ that we may live.”
- Mary Shelley


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Hunting for Old Camps

The 1924 Camp II was the last of the pre-World War II camps on Mount Everest I had yet to find and visit. After some legwork, Sid Pattison and I were able to locate it.


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Earth Day 2020: Why We Should Care

It’s Earth Day. A day we humans set aside to celebrate our little, blue ball as it hurtles through the heavens, a unique sphere orbiting an equally unique star of a unique solar system in an endless universe. This earth, this miniscule ball of water and stone, but a grain of sand in the immeasurable […]



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Hang On to Your Hat

Finding hope in the chaos of our current world.


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